Thursday, April 19, 2007

4 Walls

Yay! Finally my virgin post to the notsofunni blog! At least you can hope for something pure after the JZ's *shake head* post. But I am afraid, judging from the pictures I am about to post, this entry will still be NC16, so everyone, please ensure that no young children are hanging around you while you view this post. It may leave scars in their innocent minds. ;p

Before you start assuming that the focus of this picture is the madness displayed by JZ and Leon, look again... Did you spot how wide HY's mouth can get and also what headless Ken and YS looks like??

Serious already. Serious one. This is the one serious picture they took.

But then they decided that it was not fun being serious, so they went for the cool look. Up and coming boy band in town. Can fight with 5566 already..

But every famous bands have their scandals. This one is no exception. Next time when they become famous, we can use this to blackmail them! WHahahaha!

Finally finally when I thought we could take a decent picture, I was so wrong. When can anything ever be decent with JZ around right? And yes, in case you are wondering, the thing Ken was holding is a banana. And YS cannot for his dear life let go of that doggie. I think it has become his source of security on this fateful night when he felt so vulnerable. ;p

Ok, that's all folks for the interesting stuff. As for the details of it, unfortunately, they are kept within the 4 walls of my house. So if you ever want to find out what you missed, make sure you come for the next chill out session at 10 Chwee Chian View. But no guarantees that SCJ7777H will bring you home. ;p

So, YS, I hope your heart did not like stop beating when you saw a post by me. Hehehehe.. Don't worry lah, we will remember the 4 walls promise.. Brotherhood honour! ;)

Brother Jasmine

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